Impressions after the first year.

 In November 22, I created the first package of lamps.

The original goal was not to create packages by themselves, but as a way of meditation to create something that calmed. After some time, it turned out that I like the modeling process. Of course, not all stages, but the embodiment of something that can create an atmosphere. As a result, I brought everything that turned out into a single package on the Unity engine and put it on public display in order to find out people's opinions.

After a while, I started getting people's feedback... How pleasant it turned out to be...

When you do it alone, it's like you're walking in the dark, not really understanding why. But when there are people using your creation, you just want to do better. After some time, a second package was created, and the first one was qualitatively reassembled, under the influence of reviews. Most of all I want to know your opinion about what I'm creating, how to make it better.